Are you a graphic designer looking to earn some extra income on the side?

In this article, we\’ll explore the top side hustles for designers that can help boost your earnings. Whether you\’re a content creator, web designer, UI/UX expert, or digital designer, there are plenty of opportunities to find lucrative side gigs that fit your creative skill set. From freelance design work to remote projects and online design opportunities, we\’ll cover a wide range of options to help you find the best side hustle for your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Freelance design gigs offer flexibility and allow you to choose the projects that interest you.
  • Explore remote design projects and online design opportunities to work from anywhere.
  • Consider creative freelance work to showcase your skills and build your portfolio.
  • Look for high-paying design side hustles that can provide a significant source of extra income.
  • Participate in design gigs on freelancing platforms to access a wide range of opportunities.

Freelance Graphic Design Work

One of the most common side hustles for graphic designers is freelance work. With the flexibility to choose projects, set your rates, and work on your own terms, freelancing offers a great opportunity to leverage your creative skills and earn extra income.

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are popular for finding freelance opportunities in various design domains, including logo designwebsite designmagazine designbook cover designpackaging designeditorial designapp designmerchandising, and branding services. These platforms connect you with clients seeking design services, allowing you to showcase your portfolio and bid on projects that align with your expertise.

Additionally, you can create a profile on freelancing websites such as PeoplePerHour or 99Designs, which cater specifically to freelance designers. These platforms provide a dedicated space for designers to offer their services, making it easier for clients to find specialized talent.

As a freelance graphic designer, you have the freedom to work on diverse projects, collaborate with clients from different industries, and build a reputation for yourself in the design community. Whether you want to supplement your income or explore new creative challenges, freelance graphic design work offers a rewarding opportunity to showcase your skills and expand your professional network.

Printable Templates and Digital Downloads

Creating printable templates and digital downloads is another profitable side hustle that graphic designers can explore. Platforms like EtsyCreative Market, and Graphic River provide opportunities to upload and sell a wide range of digital products. These products can include printable planners, calendars, social media templates, icons, logos, crafting templates, and more.

The startup costs for this type of side hustle are relatively low, making it accessible for designers looking to earn passive income. Once you set up your shop, buyers can automatically download your products, allowing you to generate income even while you\’re not actively promoting or selling.

To maximize your earnings, it\’s important to continuously update your shop with fresh and trendy designs. By staying on top of the latest design trends and focusing on popular topics, you can attract more buyers and increase your passive earnings over time.

Design Services on Freelancing Sites

Freelancing sites like FiverrUpwork, and Freelancer provide a platform for designers like us to offer our design services directly to buyers. This is a great opportunity to showcase our skills and earn money doing what we love.

When setting up our profile on these freelancing sites, it\’s essential to create a compelling portfoliothat highlights our experience, skills, and previous work. This will help attract potential clients and build trust in our abilities.

We can offer a variety of design services to cater to different client needs. Some popular offerings include logo designbrandingweb/mobile designsocial media graphics, and business cards. By diversifying our services, we can attract a wider range of clients and increase our earning potential.

Pricing our services competitively is crucial. We want to offer rates that are fair and reflective of our skill level and experience. By delivering high-quality work and exceeding client expectations, we can earn 5-star reviews, which will further enhance our reputation as reliable and talented designers.

Freelancing sites often provide additional features and tools to help us stand out from the competition. We should take advantage of badges or certifications offered by the platforms, as they can instill confidence in potential clients. Accelerated delivery options can also set us apart by allowing us to offer quick turnarounds for urgent projects. Finally, creating packages for our services can provide clients with clear options and make it easier for them to choose us for their design needs.

By leveraging the design services available on freelancing sites, we can build a successful freelance career and turn our passion for design into a profitable side hustle. With dedication and professionalism, we can attract recurring clients and establish ourselves as reputable designers in the industry.

Content Creation on Social Media

Social media platforms like InstagramLinkedIn, and Twitter offer designers exciting opportunities to showcase their work and reach a wider audience. By creating engaging content that highlights your design skills, you can transform your social media presence into a monetization platform through sponsored posts and affiliate marketing.

Building a dedicated community starts with consistently creating and sharing valuable content that resonates with your audience. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling, you can captivate followers and offer them a glimpse into your creative process. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and hosting interactive sessions such as Q&As or live design sessions. Cultivating a loyal and engaged community is key to unlocking new monetization opportunities.

Monetizing Your Social Media Presence

Once you have built a strong following, there are various ways to monetize your social media presence:

  1. Sponsored Posts: Partnering with brands in your niche to create sponsored content allows you to showcase their products or services to your audience. In exchange, you receive a fee or other compensation. Sponsored posts should align with your brand image and provide value to your followers.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Collaborate with brands to promote their products or services using unique referral links. When your followers make a purchase through these links, you earn a commission. Choose affiliate partnerships that are relevant to your audience and offer genuine value.
  3. Product Promotion: If you have your own products or services, social media platforms provide an excellent avenue to market and sell them directly to your audience. Whether it\’s digital design assets, online courses, or design consultations, promote your offerings authentically and engage with potential customers.

Keep in mind that maintaining transparency and authenticity are crucial when monetizing your social media presence. Clearly disclose sponsored content, be selective with the brands you collaborate with, and prioritize providing value to your audience above all else.

\”Content is king, but engagement is queen.\” – Mari Smith


Motivation: To showcase visually appealing design work and build a dedicated following.
Pro: Highly visual platform to showcase your design skills. Access to a large and engaged user base
Con: Algorithmic changes may impact reach.High competition for attention.


Motivation: To establish professional credibility, network with industry peers, and attract potential clients.
Pro: Opportunity to connect with professionals and businesses seeking design services. Demonstrate your expertise through long-form written content and thought leadership.
Con: Less visually focused compared to other platforms. Lower engagement and reach for organic content.


Motivation: To participate in design conversations, share industry insights, and build a professional network.
Pro: Real-time updates and conversations with industry professionals. Opportunity to join design-related Twitter chats and gain visibility.
Con: Character limitation for posts. Fast-paced nature may require more frequent posting.

Writing on Medium

Medium is a platform where designers can not only showcase their creativity but also share their knowledge and experiences through articles. As designers, we have a unique perspective to offer, and Medium provides the perfect space to connect with a global audience of readers who are eager to learn from our expertise.

Sharing Design Tips and Insights

With Medium, we can write articles that offer valuable design tips, insights, and industry trends. By sharing our knowledge, we can help aspiring designers and professionals improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest design practices. From UI/UX best practices to color theory and typography tips, there are endless possibilities for articles that cater to different design disciplines.

Medium allows us to become thought leaders in the design community, helping us establish our authority and build a strong personal brand.

Showcasing Our Design Portfolios

Medium also serves as a platform for us to showcase our design portfolios. We can create articles that highlight our past projects, explaining the design challenges we faced and how we overcame them. By displaying our work in a visually appealing and informative manner, we can attract potential clients, collaborators, and employers who are searching for talented designers.

Medium provides an engaging format to present our design portfolio, allowing us to showcase our skills through visuals and compelling storytelling.

Earn Money Through Medium\’s Partner Program

One of the unique opportunities Medium offers is its Partner Program, which allows writers, including designers, to earn money based on the number of views their articles receive. By creating valuable and engaging content, we can attract a larger audience and potentially earn income through our writing. This provides an additional incentive for designers to share their expertise and contribute to the design community on Medium.

Medium\’s Partner Program encourages us to create high-quality articles and rewards us for our efforts, turning our passion for design into a potential income source.

Writing on Medium not only allows us to share our design knowledge and showcase our portfolios but also offers the chance to earn money through the Medium\’s Partner Program. It\’s a win-win situation where we can contribute to the design community, establish our authority, and potentially monetize our writing. So, let\’s grab our laptops, start writing, and make a meaningful impact on Medium!

Selling Assets on Design Platforms

Are you a designer looking to turn your creativity into passive income? Consider selling your assets on popular design platforms like Freepik and Envato Elements. By creating and uploading high-quality designs and illustrations, you can reach a wide audience and generate a steady stream of income. 

Design platforms like Freepik and Envato Elements provide a marketplace for designers to sell their digital assets to other designers and customers. These assets can include various designs and illustrations that are in demand in the design industry.

By consistently creating new and captivating designs, you can attract more customers and increase your passive income. Whether you specialize in logo designs, social media graphics, or web templates, there is a market for your creations.

Design platforms make it easy for you to showcase and monetize your talent. Once your designs are uploaded, they are available for purchase by other designers who can use them in their own projects. With each download, you earn a percentage of the sale, giving you a passive income stream.

Investing time and effort into assets creation and uploading them to design platforms can be a lucrative source of income. By providing designs and illustrations that meet the needs of the design community, you can establish a strong presence on these platforms and generate a steady stream of passive income.

Selling Ebooks

As designers, we have a wealth of knowledge and experiences to share with others. One profitable way to do this is by creating and selling ebooks. By compiling our design tipsexperiences, or even showcasing our portfolios, we unlock the potential to reach a broader audience and earn passive income from our digital publications.

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Gumroad provide excellent opportunities for us to sell our ebooks. With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, we can tap into a massive customer base and leverage their marketing tools to reach potential buyers. Gumroad, on the other hand, offers more flexibility and customization options that allow us to tailor the selling process to our specific needs.

To maximize the success of our ebook sales, it\’s crucial to market our publications effectively. Social media platforms offer an excellent avenue for promotion. By sharing snippets and teasers of our ebook content, along with compelling visuals, we can generate interest and drive sales. Additionally, collaborating with influencers or running online ads can help boost our ebook\’s visibility and attract a wider audience.

Remember, the key to a successful ebook is providing value to our readers. Whether we\’re offering practical design tips, sharing our unique experiences, or showcasing our portfolio, the content should be engaging, informative, and tailored to the needs of our target audience. By delivering high-quality content and marketing our ebooks strategically, we can establish ourselves as trusted authorities in the design industry and generate a sustainable income stream from our digital publications.

Creating and Selling Online Courses

Are you a designer with expertise in specific design skills or software? Are you looking for a way to share your knowledge and monetize your expertise? Creating and selling online courses can be a lucrative side hustle for designers.

Platforms like UdemySkillshare, and Teachable provide a platform for designers to host their courses and reach a wider audience. By creating comprehensive course content, including video lessons and supplementary materials, designers can share their knowledge and help others improve their design skills.

Designers can create courses on various design topics, such as graphic design fundamentals, web design, UI/UX design, branding, and more. These platforms offer a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to upload and manage course materials.

When creating your course, it\’s important to structure your content in a logical and engaging way. Start with an introduction that grabs the attention of your students and clearly outlines what they will learn. Break down your lessons into manageable sections and include practical exercises and quizzes to help reinforce the concepts you\’re teaching.

Don\’t forget to include supplementary materials like downloadable resources, cheat sheets, and project files. These additional resources can enhance the learning experience and provide students with practical tools they can use in their own design projects.

Pricing your online course is an important consideration. Research similar courses on the platform to understand the market demand and pricing trends. Consider offering a limited-time promotional price or a bundled package that includes additional resources to attract more students.

Once your course is live, promote it through your social media channels, website, and email list to generate initial traction. You can also consider partnering with influencers or industry leaders who can help spread the word about your course.

Remember, creating and selling online courses requires dedication and continuous improvement. Pay attention to student feedback and make updates to your course content to ensure it remains relevant and valuable.

Benefits of Creating and Selling Online Courses

  • Earn passive income: Once your course is created, you can continue to earn income from enrollments without investing additional time.
  • Build authority and credibility: Sharing your expertise through online courses can help establish you as an authority in your design niche.
  • Expand your reach: Online platforms allow you to reach a global audience and connect with students from around the world.
  • Help others improve their design skills: Your course can empower aspiring designers to enhance their skills and pursue their creative passions.

PlatformFeaturesCourse PricingUdemyGlobal reach, built-in student base, various course categoriesFlexible pricing, course bundles, promotional discountsSkillshareCollaborative learning community, opportunity to earn royaltiesSubscription-based model, premium referrals, per-minute royaltiesTeachableFull control over course content and customizationFlexible pricing, one-time payment, monthly subscription

Content Creation on YouTube

YouTube presents an incredible opportunity for designers to unleash their creative talents, share valuable insights, and reach a vast audience through engaging content creation. By leveraging this platform, we can create graphic design tutorials, design showcases, and much more, while also monetizing our channel to generate income.

With YouTube\’s wide reach and high user engagement, we can build a dedicated following of design enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and fellow creatives. Our content can serve as a source of inspiration, knowledge, and entertainment, establishing us as experts in the field of graphic design.

As we consistently produce high-quality content, our YouTube channel becomes a hub for viewers looking to learn new design techniques, explore inspiring design showcases, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and industry news.


One way we can monetize our YouTube channel is through advertisements. By creating compelling and engaging content, we can attract advertisers who want to promote their products, services, or brands to our audience. YouTube\’s advertising platform allows us to participate in revenue sharing, earning income based on the number of ad views or clicks our videos receive.


Another avenue for generating revenue on YouTube is through sponsorships. As our channel grows in popularity, brands and companies in the design industry may approach us to showcase their products or collaborate on sponsored content. These partnerships can be mutually beneficial, providing us with financial compensation and exposure, while also offering our audience valuable insights into innovative design tools or services.

Merchandise Sales:

Our loyal fan base can further support us by purchasing merchandise related to our YouTube channel. For example, we can create branded merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, or even design assets like custom brushes or textures. Not only do these sales contribute to our income, but they also help solidify our brand identity, foster a sense of community, and showcase our unique design style.

By consistently creating engaging content, building an active community of subscribers, and exploring opportunities for advertisementssponsorships, and merchandise sales, we can turn our YouTube channel into a profitable side hustle. So let\’s fire up our creativity, grab our cameras, and embark on an exciting journey of content creation on YouTube!

Public Speaking and Online Mentorship

We, as designers, have the opportunity to share our experiences, design tips, and portfolio through public speaking engagements. Conferencesevents, and even online platforms like Zoom and Skype allow us to connect with a wider audience and showcase our expertise. By leveraging our public speaking skills, we can earn money while making a meaningful impact.

Additionally, offering online mentorship services is a valuable way for us to provide guidance and assistance to aspiring designers or those looking to enhance their skills. Mentorship platforms like MentorCruise and create opportunities for us to share our knowledge and help others grow in their design journey.

Benefits of Public Speaking:

  • Showcase expertise and build credibility
  • Expand professional network and connections
  • Develop strong communication and presentation skills
  • Earn money through speaking engagements

Benefits of Online Mentorship:

  • Make a positive impact by sharing knowledge and experience
  • Help aspiring designers develop their skills and confidence
  • Offer personalized guidance and feedback
  • Create additional income streams through mentoring services

Public speaking and online mentorship provide unique opportunities for designers to not only share their expertise but also grow both personally and professionally.

Whether we choose to speak at industry conferences, local events, or connect with mentees online, these avenues allow us to contribute to the design community while expanding our own horizons. Let\’s embrace the power of public speaking and mentorship to inspire and uplift fellow designers on their own creative journeys.


In conclusion, there are a variety of top side hustles for designers to earn extra money in 2023. Whether you\’re a graphic designer, content creator, or web designer, there are plenty of opportunities to turn your passion into profit. Freelance work, selling digital products, creating content on social media, and offering online courses are just a few examples of the exciting possibilities available.

To make the most out of your creative skills, it\’s important to leverage your expertise, showcase your work, and explore different platforms and opportunities. By doing so, you can reach a wider audience and maximize your earning potential. Whether you\’re looking for a passive income source or a way to diversify your design work, these top side hustles can help you achieve your financial goals.

So, start exploring the various options and find the side hustle that aligns with your interests and skills. Whether you\’re selling your designs on freelancing platforms, creating engaging content on social media, or launching your own online course, the opportunities are endless. Tap into your creativity, put in the effort, and watch your income grow as you turn your passion into profit.


What are the best side hustles for designers to boost their income?Some of the best side hustles for designers include freelance graphic design work, creating printable templates and digital downloads, offering design services on freelancing sites, content creation on social media, writing on platforms like Medium, selling assets on design platforms, selling ebooks, creating and selling online courses, content creation on YouTube, public speaking, and online mentorship.

Where can graphic designers find freelance work?Graphic designers can find freelance work on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, as well as freelancing websites such as PeoplePerHour and 99Designs.

How can graphic designers monetize their social media presence?Graphic designers can monetize their social media presence through sponsored posts or affiliate marketing. By creating engaging content that highlights their design skills, they can attract brands for sponsorship opportunities or promote products through affiliate marketing.

How can designers earn money on Medium?Designers can earn money on Medium through Medium\’s Partner Program, which pays them based on the number of views their articles receive. By creating valuable and engaging content, designers can build an audience and earn income through their writing.

Where can designers sell their assets?Designers can sell their assets on platforms like Freepik and Envato Elements. These platforms allow other designers and customers to purchase designs and illustrations, generating passive income for the creators.

How can designers create and sell online courses?Designers can create and sell online courses on platforms like UdemySkillshare, and Teachable. These platforms provide a platform for designers to host their courses and reach a wider audience, earning income from their comprehensive course content.

What are the monetization options for designers on YouTube?Designers can monetize their YouTube channel through advertisementssponsorships, and merchandise sales. By consistently creating engaging content and building an audience, designers can generate revenue from their YouTube channel.

What opportunities are available for designers in public speaking and mentorship?Designers can offer their services as public speakers, sharing their experiences, design tips, and portfolio at conferencesevents, or online platforms like Zoom or Skype. They can also offer online mentorship services, providing guidance and assistance to aspiring designers. Platforms like MentorCruise and provide opportunities for designers to offer their mentorship services.